Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Haiku at 6:32

A few years ago, I was on a software development team of around 20-25 people. The project manager at the time was a big fan of the 2 hour plus status meeting. He insisted on bringing us all in the room and he'd go around and ask everyone for a quick update on their status. Not a very productive model, as not everyone needed to know what everyone else was doing; except my manager of course, so the plan optimized his time but not his team's. One key benefit of being stuck in a room listening to status that has no bearing on you, is that your mind wanders and craves for some intellectual engagement. A few coworkers and I stumbled upon haiku to pass the time. Before you knew it a Haiku movement was born. We wrote somewhere between 30 and 50 haiku during the remainder the project. The project went live, the manager has moved on, and the Haiku movement lost momentum and sadly petered out.

If you are ever stuck in mind-numbingly dull situation and you need something to pass the time, I recommend haiku. 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables. Who knew 17 syllables could be so flexible. As a tribute to the past movement I've decided to craft a haiku, here at 6:32, when I've started this post.

work is drudgery
haiku may be the answer
Meeting Survival.

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