Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Alive, not sure if I'm well....in the meantime, I've been paid back...many times

well, that was a long hiatus from maintaining my blog...I'm very bad at creating habits, like writing regularly...but I'll try again..

I've also been slack in my Kiva giving as well. Tonight, I was determined to start to knock some stuff off my "To-Do" list. One item, was to re-lend any repayments on kiva as well as give my normal monthly amount (which is several months late...but I digress...) anyway, I noticed that I know have received 20 successful repayments!! So I was pretty psyched about that. 20 loans, 20 repayments. I have several loans in "raising funds" and in progress, but 20 successful cycles made me happy.

I've been lending on Kiva since Nov 2006, so about 18 months. No defaults yet either. 2% delinquency, but heck, such is life.

Other milestones I'm looking forward to, is 100 loans made, but that seems to be some time off in the future.

If you haven't joined the micro lending, I'd recommend getting involved.

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