Saturday, February 25, 2006

GNU Cash Updated!!!

I've been so occupied with all the mac activities (not to mention my own personal repatriation back to America) that I've completely missed the update to GNUCash on October 20, 2005, to 1.8.12.

Even more exciting, is that GNU Cash folks have released a 1.9.x version, which is the GTK2 supporting version. They have released 1.9.1 just this week (the second 1.9 version). They claim it is not stable, but being the second release, I might give it a go.

They are working towards a stable 2.0.0 version in the future.

I strong encourage anyone on Mac OS X or (Unix / BDS or Linux) to become active users of GNU Cash. It is much better than Quicken!!!

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